Comment 2 for bug 1373494

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package messaging-app - 0.1+15.04.20150212-0ubuntu1

messaging-app (0.1+15.04.20150212-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium

  [ Ubuntu daily release ]
  * New rebuild forced

  [ Gustavo Pichorim Boiko ]
  * Use the standard back button on searching and multi selecting
    instead of the X. (LP: #1373494)

  [ Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho ]
  * Show import contact options if contact list is empty. (LP: #1417341)
 -- Ubuntu daily release <email address hidden> Thu, 12 Feb 2015 00:58:44 +0000