Comment 1 for bug 1357053

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James Mulholland (jamesmulholland) wrote :

I agree that the department should reset to the root department when navigating back to the Apps scope; both in the interest of utility as well as in order to be consistent with how we handle search results (which are cleared when navigating away from a scope).

Interestingly, departments are currently not cleared for Apps (as well as other Scopes) when navigating away/too a Scope. However, if a user selects a department and then conducts a search, navigating away/too the scope clears the search AND resets the department (tested in the Amazon and Ebay Scopes). Additionally, opening the department drop-down shows the previously selected department as still being applied.

I would propose that Apps is a special case where we should clear searches and reset departments (including within the department drop-dow) when a user navigates away from the scope.

All other scopes should preserve both the department and (where relevant) filters, but clear searches which are easily accessible by beginning a new search and selecting from the recent search list. I will raise a new bug for this.