Comment 3 for bug 1152150

Revision history for this message
Daniel d'Andrada (dandrader) wrote :

>Excepted behaviour
>recognise the horizontal intention in swipes regardless of the angular component by evaluating ratio >between horizontal /vertical speeds or distances not just angle

Too vague for a specification and even contradictory in a sense.

The ratio between horizontal and vertical distances (or speeds) translates into an angle and vice-versa.

Need more info on the expected behavior.

But I guess that what the reporter means is that a vertical scrolling can be aborted and turned into a horizontal dash-switch if the original vertical movement turned into a drastic horizontal one. And vice-versa. Because the current logic is that once a tendency (horizontal/vertical) has been identified early in the gesture, the UI movement is locked in that direction. So in practice what the reporter wants seems to be removing that direction lock. I.e. that it can be unlocked if there's a sustained, dramatic, direction change.