Comment 1 for bug 1248487

Revision history for this message
Olivier Tilloy (osomon) wrote :

I’m not sure the approach in the linked branch (revision 826) is correct. I wouldn’t expect Toolbar.click_button() to reveal the toolbar on my behalf if it isn’t up yet (the goal of the emulators is to provide primitives to ease the interaction with the widgets like a normal user would). And it would make all the existing code like this redundant:


because open_toolbar() could then be removed.

I think what we really need is open_toolbar() to do some sort of dummy interaction with the toolbar itself even if it’s already up, to prevent it from later auto-hiding.

A first step would be to have open_toolbar() move the cursor to the toolbar’s position even if it’s already open, thus reducing the mouse move needed to access a button. This wouldn’t be enough, but I’m willing to bet it would already fix a number of issues we’re seeing on otto.