Comment 12 for bug 684148

Revision history for this message
Kyle Nitzsche (knitzsche) wrote :

To be clear on one point, there was some discussion that unity-2d package would simply use the "unity" gettext domain. That is, unity-2d would not carry po files in the source pkg, would not be translated in Launchpad, would not generate .mo files at build time, and would not install .mo files for use at run time. Instead, it would simply call the "unity" domain and obtain required translations at time. While this is based on the idea that unity-2d should not use messages that are not present in unity, this is probably not a good idea. It would mean that unity-2d would not be capable of adding messages (and having them translated) that may be needed. If unity dropped a message, unity-2d would have to be certain to remove the message as well or it would appear untranslated. Lastly, If unity-2d needs to be customized, it should support the normal package translation capabilitieus.