Comment 3 for bug 580941

Revision history for this message
Einar (christian-einarsson) wrote :

No problem, I'll try to be more clear and detailed.

I am a resident of Sweden and I have configured Ubuntu to show dates and numbers according to the Swedish locale. But I prefer to have the GUI in English and therefore I have avoided installing any Swedish translations (as far as i know). I have done all the configuring of language and locale configuration with the System->Administration->Language Support tool.

I've attached screens of my current settings, one for each tab of the Language & Text window. I've also attached a picture of my previous configuration with Swedish at the top of the list(marked "before"). That's how it looked when I started investigating this. As far as I could tell by looking in the Install / Remove Language dialogue there wasn't any Swedish translations installed even though it was at the top of the list.

Hope this is clear enough, don't hesitate to ask if it's not.