Comment 0 for bug 197537

Revision history for this message
In , Naoki-randomman (naoki-randomman) wrote :

= Transfering this bug from GNOME Bugzilla: =

PDF documents created with Microsoft office with Japanese fonts do not render
correctly (at all). As if the font was missing.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a document in MS Office using Japanese characters.
2. Export as PDF
3. Open in Evince.

Actual results:
File is open with no text.

Expected results:
Rendered japanese fonts would be visible as when the document was created.

Does this happen every time?

Other information:
Seems to be the same bug as

Simple test documents created in OpenOffice work as expeceted. This problem
also affects Xpdf making me thing it's a font issue.

Output from evince is :

evince Desktop/バリューコマース株式会社様 御見積書12.pdf
Error: could not create truetype face

some font thing failed
Error: could not create truetype face

some font thing failed
Error: could not create truetype face

some font thing failed
Error: could not create truetype face

some font thing failed


Xpdf prints this :

xpdf Desktop/バリューコマース株式会社様 御見積書12.pdf
Error: Couldn't create a font for 'MS-Gothic'
Error: Couldn't create a font for 'MS-PMincho'
Error: Couldn't create a font for 'MS-PMincho'
Error: Couldn't create a font for 'MS-PMincho'
Error: Couldn't create a font for 'MS-PMincho'
... and so on repeating the same error.

msttfontcore is installed.

Problem persists with current dev tree versions of evince/xpdf.


 Comment #3 from Nickolay V. Shmyrev (points: 19)
2006-06-01 12:39 UTC [reply]

Hi, this looks like a bug with the PDF backend. Could you please follow these
instructions to help get this bug fixed. Thank You.