Comment 2 for bug 1319257

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Joakim Fogelström Hardingz (birdstream) wrote :

Well, my point is that '{licence}' - as it is inside braces, is the name of a text string used to carry either "open source" or "proprietary" depending on the conditions met, while 'tested' is a text that can be translated. But things like this may not be obvious to the translator if he/she don't recognize python syntax, leaving room for errors like this. So there should be a note to translators about this. But even better would be to change the source code to something like this:, line1276

   base_string = "{base_description} ({licence}, " + _("tested)")

This way the translator would only have to translate "tested)"

But what i really don't get is line 1278

   base_string = _("{base_description} ({licence})")

There is nothing that may be translated on that line so it should really be:

   base_string = "{base_description} ({licence})"