Comment 1 for bug 1582916

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Stefano Verzegnassi (verzegnassi-stefano) wrote :


Thanks for using UT Tweak Tool and reporting the issues you've found!

What you see here is a sum of several issue in UX, and reflects the current status of Ubuntu Touch.

1) Section labels can not be scrolled horizontally.
This is something that is expected to land with OTA-11 (see Bug #1465048).
Once the fix for that issue is released, you'll be able to access to all the tabs even in portrait.

2) Section labels are too long.
Two fixes required here:
--- I'll add a note for translators in order to keep the string as short as possible.
--- The application should automatically elide those strings that are too long (e.g. allow max 12 chars). I guess this is something that should implemented in the UITK but, in the meantime, it is something easy to workaround.

Thanks again for filing this report, this will be fixed in the next release of the Tweak Tool.