Comment 0 for bug 1631628

Revision history for this message
Stefano Verzegnassi (verzegnassi-stefano) wrote :

Tested on Yakkety, inside a Unity8 environment.
ubuntu-terminal-app version: the one from the repos.

Long story short:
The merge proposal[1] from the revision 210, "Update QMLTermWidget to latest version and remove duplicate konsole application code.", actually replaced our version of the QMLTermWidget with the fork done by the guys from PapyrOS.

It has been approved without checking/testing the effective changes of the MP.
The result is that our "Ubuntu" color scheme has been removed from the plugin, but it's still the default theme inside the app.

If the color scheme/theme does not exists, it falls back to the default ("Black on white") color scheme[2], like in the attached screenshot.
