Comment 6 for bug 1570340

Revision history for this message
Matthias Apitz (gubu) wrote : Re: BQ E4.5 (OTA-10): documentation of keymapping

Stefano, re/ the terminal-app and the file default.keytab: I got working nearly all the Spanish tilded chars with the add-ons to the file as attached at the end of this comment. One problem remains: there is a key on the keyboard labeled with the '?' and '/' symbols (on a QWERTY the most right key on the second row next to a Shift key). My ideas was to produce together with Alt the char ¿ (questionmarkdown), but I do not know how this physical key is named in QT in the file qnamespace.h from where the key-names are derived. I tried

key Slash
key Question

both have no visible effect. Any idea? Thanks

new lines in 'default.keytab'

# added by <email address hidden> for Spanish tilded chars
# to be placed in:
# /userdata/system-data/opt/
key A -Alt-Shift : "a"
key A -Alt+Shift : "A"
key A +Alt-Shift : "\xc3\xa1"
key A +Alt+Shift : "\xc3\x81"
key N -Alt-Shift : "n"
key N -Alt+Shift : "N"
key N +Alt-Shift : "\xc3\xb1"
key N +Alt+Shift : "\xc3\x91"
key E -Alt-Shift : "e"
key E -Alt+Shift : "E"
key E +Alt-Shift : "\xc3\xa9"
key E +Alt+Shift : "\xc3\x89"
key I -Alt-Shift : "i"
key I -Alt+Shift : "I"
key I +Alt-Shift : "\xc3\xad"
key I +Alt+Shift : "\xc3\x8d"
key U -Alt-Shift : "u"
key U -Alt+Shift : "U"
key U +Alt-Shift : "\xc3\xba"
key U +Alt+Shift : "\xc3\x9a"
key O -Alt-Shift : "o"
key O -Alt+Shift : "O"
key O +Alt-Shift : "\xc3\xb3"
key O +Alt+Shift : "\xc3\x93"
key 1 -Alt-Shift : "1"
key 1 -Alt+Shift : "!"
key 1 +Alt-Shift : "\xc2\xa1" # 'exclamationdown'
key 1 +Alt+Shift : "\xc2\xbf" # 'questiondown' but gives \x1b\x21
key 2 -Alt-Shift : "2"
key 2 -Alt+Shift : "\x22"
key 2 +Alt-Shift : "\xc2\xbf" # 'questiondown'
key 2 +Alt+Shift : "2" # but gives \x1b\x22