Comment 3 for bug 1569059

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Michael (mick3-de) wrote :

Hi Stefano,

thanks for the detailed explanation. I completely understand that using the system OSK is much simpler especially for the windowed mode support.

But what about the other part of my suggestion, the use of the OSK screen space for the terminal output when the OSK is off?

> I would suggest to have an option to use the full area of the screen
> for terminal output. The input prompt and the previous output could be
> either moved up/down when switching the keyboard on/off
> or the input prompt could be overlaid as HUD while typing on the keyboard.

I worked with fingerterm before and these are the ways (besides from having a builtin vkb) how it's been able to use the full screen for the output.

By the way is the unusual two finger scroll gesture the only way to scroll back/forth the terminal output? How about Shift+PageUp/PageDown? The option to use the default one finger gesture for scrolling as it's more consistent to all other apps? I do more often want to see the complete cmd output than to go through the cmd history.