Comment 1 for bug 1384859

Revision history for this message
Loïc Minier (lool) wrote : Re: Use whoopsie id instead of D-Bus machine-id?

I believe you don't want to read /var/lib/whoopsie/whoopsie-id directly; instead you want to query it over DBus.

sudo dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=com.ubuntu.WhoopsiePreferences /com/ubuntu/WhoopsiePreferences com.ubuntu.WhoopsiePreferences.GetIdentifier

The only reason for whoopsie id is if you want a stable id across reinstalls; this might not be needed here.

If you do start from whoopsie id, it's probably best to combine it with something else (e.g. SHA1(whoopsieid + 'system-image') so as to not share it publicly (this would allow finding the error reports from that whoopsie id)