Comment 0 for bug 851102

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

1. In Ubuntu Software Center, go to the software item screen for something you have installed.
2. Disconnect from the Internet.
3. Before "Write your own review" becomes insensitive, click it.

What happens:
* A "Review" dialog appears.
* The Ubuntu SSO dialog appears over top of it.
* The captcha area of the dialog features a spinner and the word "Loading...", centered together.
* The spinner rapidly appears and disappears, causing the word "Loading..." to wobble from side to side.

What should happen:
* At a minimum, the spinner should not disappear while the word "Loading..." is still present.
* Better, whenever there's no Internet connection, the captcha area should freeze and wait until there is an Internet connection before trying to load a captcha.