Comment 8 for bug 1398998

Revision history for this message
Michi Henning (michihenning) wrote :

> Can you point me to where that is documented or the code that does it? I
> do not see any arch dependent keys in the documentation at
> that
> would support this.

Check out CONFIGFILES in the root dir of the unity-scopes-api tree. It lists all the config attributes.

My apologies, we are still lagging behind with the documentation for this.

The registry looks for click scopes in $HOME/.local/share/unity-scopes (unless the dir is changed in the Registry.ini file).
In there, it expects to find scope installation directories. Given that these aren't real directories, but symlinks, I would expect click to create the symlink to point at the correct architecture-specific directory.

So, if click does indeed support installing multiple architecture binaries, all it needs to do is make sure that the symlink points at the correct directory.

> The scope hook is handled by unity-scopes-api and only supports a single scope directory

I honestly don't know what you mean by this. As far as I know, we have nothing to do with the hook. I don't believe there is any hook code in our tree.