Comment 1 for bug 1460464

Revision history for this message
Victor Thompson (vthompson) wrote :

Hi Simon! Thanks for taking the time to file this issue! Could you attach your /home/phablet/.cache/upstart/mediascanner-2.0.log file? When I save one of examples on this webpage [1] to the device it does show up in the app under Unknown Album/Unknown artist.

New file was created: /home/phablet/Music/music_128kbps.wav.^M
Extracting metadata from /home/phablet/Music/music_128kbps.wav.^M
Added song to backing store: /home/phablet/Music/music_128kbps.wav^M
 author : ^M
 title : music 128kbps^M
 album : ^M
 duration : 90^M

The added title is playable in the app, so the OPUS codec is supported. I imagine that an Ogg encapsulated OPUS file will have valid metadata to display/categorize.

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