Comment 59 for bug 435352

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Peter Curtis (pdcurtis) wrote :

Dmitri, Thanks for your earlier kind comment and your suggestion.

I am still continuing with live systems at present and have tried LiveCD, LiveUSB and LiveSD and all are the same as I expected.

I have found that like you I occasionally get a good system startup with working webcam if you start with it enabled. It does not seem to be the uncvideo driver alone.

I have found another, possibly related problem with keystokes. Not only can one not turn the webcam on and off with Fn F6 if it is not enabled at boot time for a LiveCD but I have also found you can not toggle Bluetooth on and off unless that is enabled at the boot up. This also seems to point to something like the setting up of the udev rules, the hal layer or whatever has recently replaced it and/or the handling of keystrokes which are also handled in the bios, both areas where I have little experience.

This is the first time I have really got involved in the bug reporting so I hope I get a little tolerance. I have however been using Ubuntu on all my machines since Hardy came out and am currently running hardy, jaunty and karmic as well as having set up a number of other people. I have been involved in programming for 40 years including machine code, assembler and real time systems but not as my prime job. I feel strongly and want to be involved as I have used the MSI Wind as an example of how well Ubuntu now works and have converted several people by my demonstrations. That all goes to dust if a single update breaks it. I can not believe the Canonical kernel team are really putting this off till 2010.