Comment 1 for bug 943154

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Andrew Starr-Bochicchio (andrewsomething) wrote :

I've got the basics working, but it's not really ready to land yet.

One thing that I'm not sure how to handle is that in order to build the translated files you seem to need to have the files for the languages you want. As sphinx is in main, we strip out the .mo files and put them in language-pack-* packages instead. Build-depending on the needed language-packs doesn't really seem right.

We're going to need to figure out the workflow after this lands. As this project is all documentation, we're going to be breaking the translations on nearly every commit. Also, as we'll want the .pot file in version control so it's available to Rosetta, "make gettext" will probably have to be run before every push to trunk to keep it up to date. I wonder if there is some way we can automate that. I don't think bzr has per-branch pre-commit hooks though.

Also, how is this deployed to the website? This is going to change the installed location slightly, so landing it will probably need to be coordinated so as to not break the website.