Comment 2 for bug 1160897

Revision history for this message
Israel Dahl (israeldahl) wrote :

Thanks so much for your reply, however, in the bug report I noted

Q.) "How does a package install the desktop file?"
A.) "Your search did not match any documents. Please make sure that all words are spelled correctly and that you've selected enough categories."

Q.) "desktop file install"
Search finished, found 3 page(s) matching the search query.

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THIS LAST PART IS THE ANSWER, however... asking in "common english" i.e. Q.) "How does a package install the desktop file?" returned no results. asking with uncommon syntax for normal speakers i.e. Q.) "desktop file install" produces the correct result. So I filed this bug:
Search Engine is not very good or 'smart'

Because the search enginge wasn't smart enough to find the same content when I made it a question.
It is also not very *good* because, as you said " the answer to your question doesn't exist in the docs".

So the bug is filed against the ubuntu packing guide missing core information such as "What controls the way the software center categorieses programs?"