Comment 80 for bug 574910

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Alex Howells (howells) wrote :

There are a lot of users here echoing my sentiments.

I appreciate there is a way to file bugs and that Ubuntu addresses them per that policy. What you have is quite a significant number of users saying the Lucid Lynx kernel is flat out broken.

I specifically tagged this bug to 'linux' (more generically) and reported there were issues outside EC2. This was many weeks ago and is clearly obvious in the bug history. What happened in result to that? It sure seems like someone completely ignored it and applied a patchset to EC2 kernels only and this bug is now 'dead' as far as work intention goes.

I am also experiencing the problems under Maverick and for me at the moment, I cannot recommend Ubuntu to anyone with a serious workload outside mostly casual desktop use. Frankly even with support from Canonical issues like this *always* seem to take too long to resolve, and the depth of talent someone like Red Hat has within the organisation to address these exact affairs doesn't seem to exist over the water with Ubuntu - or at least they're not motivated in the same way.

My stance has not changed: I want to help you diagnose and fix the problem. Whilst it takes this long to resolve though more people become disenchanted by Ubuntu, and in the case of my employer, I suspect the seed has been sown for distrust of the distribution for at least the next 12-18 months to come and we're falling back to Red Hat as "the usual suspect".

If we haven't brought this bug to your attention in the correct way, please clearly state what you expect so we can progress.