Comment 6 for bug 1328797

Revision history for this message
Nikolay Kolev (kolev) wrote :

With Amazon EC2 autoscaling in place, it's not so easy to make changes to servers that were working until last week. Forcing people to switch to a newer release that comes with many differences is not a nice thing to do to people who chose Ubuntu vs, let's say, Amazon Linux AMI, just so that you can save a few dollars from your S3 bill, which possibly you don't pay anyway. Not supporting it and completely removing the packages are two different things. While I didn't expect package updates (even security ones) being EOL and I assumed the risk for that, I never expected packages to be completely removed and break my infrastructure so shortly after the EOL date.

Basically, the conclusion is: never use the recommended S3 repos and switch to main ones as S3 can only give you headaches. I understand that people should be using LTS releases, but those often are years behind and having to compile a bunch of packages is often impractical.