Comment 20 for bug 1070760

Revision history for this message
Francesco Fumanti (frafu) wrote :

My request has been declined, unfortunately:

I just uploaded revision 1071 to our Snapshots PPA:

It should however not be to difficult to build the ARM, if you fetch the package from our PPA:

- Enable the Snapshots PPA

- Get the Onboard source from the PPA (I think that it gets the most recent version from all the available repositories; it is the version in the PPA at the moment):
$ apt-get source onboard

- Get the the packages needed to build Onboard (root privileges are required as it might install packages):
$ sudo apt-get build-dep onboard

- Change directory to the downloaded Onboard folder:

- Call the command to build the debian package of Onboard (Unless you created a new debian/changelog entry with your own key, you should get signing errors at the end of the build of the package; you can ignore them.):
$ debuild -tc

- Double click on the created deb to install it.


As I don't have a table, could you please test of the steps indicated above are working on your tablet? Thanks.