Comment 1549 for bug 1

Revision history for this message
Bernard Banko (beernarrd) wrote :

I have done even worse - baught a laptop with windows7 preinstalled and now using oneiric ubuntu.
One thing scarries me though about this bug: we are going in the direction when this won't be that easy eny more. MS is pushing his Bios compiler which makes crippeled bios (of course) and then supplements the shortcomings in his OS, not documented and not standard. That is why we have problems with suspending and hibernating and so on. On long term it might be needed to have a "hardware branch" of Ubutnu just to avoid the need to adapt to crippled and obscured hardware.
The tablets could be a good area for the new focus of the battle, but is seems we are a bit late on that one, except if there is going to be an ubuntu tablet within a year with an excelent killing feature, let it be handwriting recognition, e-ink in colours, enhanched reality features combined with tomtom, garmin or whatsoever.