Comment 0 for bug 1970913

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tmaes (t-maes) wrote : Editable checkboxes unvisible/uneditable in Atril and other pdf tools

For a long time I use editable pdfs for my work.
I created them in libreoffice draw and all was working fine in Mate 20.04
Now I upgraded some of my computers, and those with Mate 22.04 don't work using the pdf's checkboxes (other editable items seems to work).
I tried on Atril, evince xournal++, no pdf tools sees the checkboxes. Even import in Gimp pdfs where checkboxes are visibly checked on a Mate 20.04 shows empty checkboxes in Mate 22.04 .
If I import the same document in gimp on a Mate 20.04, checkboxes are correcly shown.

Seeing that the problem is general through the different tools makes me think that it must be a library that makes the problem.