Comment 0 for bug 1884706

Revision history for this message
Simone (newhere) wrote :

Systems: Ubuntu Mate 20.04, LinuxMint 20 Mate Beta
1. In Mate Tweak, choose in Panel: Redmond
2. Right-click on bottom panel -> New Panel
3. Right-click on panel at the top -> Properties
- choose "Left" as position
- take out "Expand"
- and choose size of 47
4. Right-click on the new left panel -> Add to Panel
5. Add some apps and have "Show Desktop" as one of them
6. Restart the system
Result: "Show Desktop" icon in the left panel has lost its equal top and bottom padding, and distance to the icon before and after is smaller.
7. Right-click on the Panel -> Properties
8. Change the icon size to 48 and then 47 again
Result: Distance is kept until a restart of system.
Expected result: Show Desktop shouldn't lose the distance settings

Note: I set up LinuxMint Mate 20 Beta in Virtualbox and found the same problem. This issue seems to be in relation with the Mate Desktop.