Comment 0 for bug 1225812

Revision history for this message
Rigved Rakshit (rigved) wrote :

In the Nautilus testcase description on the URL: , the "Test-case name: nautilus/TC-NFM-010" has an incorrect command.

Incorrect command:

FIELD=`cat ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs | grep XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR |sed 's/XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR=\"\(.*\)\"/\1/'` && eval "touch $FIELD/Another Empty Document"

Correct command:

FIELD=`cat ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs | grep XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR |sed 's/XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR=\"\(.*\)\"/\1/'` && eval "touch $FIELD/Another\ Empty\ Document"

Reason: As the document "Another Empty Document" has spaces in it, these need to be escaped. Otherwise, a file with the name of "Another" is created in the "$HOME/Templates" directory and two more files, by the name of "Empty" and "Document" respectively, are created in the "$HOME" directory.