Comment 2 for bug 606456

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Clint Byrum (clint-fewbar) wrote :

The iterator is helpful and definitely a best practice. we should report bugs on any packages that don't respect that namespace.

However, even in that situation, its not clear how to link to the output of 'man 3 open' that one would expect on a default or common install.

This one is particularly troubling:

This is particularly frustrating as the best practice on learning about upstart is 'read man 5 init' .. but if you try to use the web to do it, you get runit-run, which is an init replacement from universe.

Seems that one simple thing to do would be to make sure the repositories are generated in least important -> most. So at least do main *last* so that its man pages will overwrite those of any other repository.

That can be fixed by switching the default order that is used right now.

Longer term, I'm testing a fix right now that builds an index file of conflicting pages so you get the Provided by's with links to each page.