Comment 6 for bug 2064322

Revision history for this message
Paul Mars (upils) wrote :

Image building is indeed confusing.

I believe this gadget is used for other images, and I fear having a 5Gb partition might break some use cases (especially until we support building sparse images).

I do not have enough permissions to merge on this GH project sadly. I pinged waveform and sil2100 so they can take a look.

Even though I understand we try to avoid dealing with too many branches on this project, we might also merge your changes in a branch that you could reference in the image definition. Currently the "classic" branch is used, but you could use a "classic-tegra" one. This might be at least a temporary solution to unblock you until we confirm or not we can add this structure in the gadget.yaml.

I also agree a proper fix would be best. My current understanding is that we need to make sure each structure has enough space to avoid mangling the next one.