Comment 1 for bug 1270210

Revision history for this message
Kyle Nitzsche (knitzsche) wrote :

yuidoc build of the unity-webapps-qml API docs for JavaScript fails to produce usable content because yuidocs requirements are not met. (The build succdeds but there are not useful pages)

I think the problem is that there must be @class and/@module yuidoc lines but there are none.

For example look here:

And you will see this:
 * A Button.

 Note the Ubuntu CSS style classes: <em>success</em>, <em>warning</em>, and <em>danger</em>

 * @class Button
 * @constructor
 * @namespace UbuntuUI
 * @example
      <button data-role="button" id="buttonID">text</button>

      Javascript access:
      var button = UI.button("buttonID");

These requirements are explained here: