Comment 0 for bug 1584280

Revision history for this message
Jon (doogie544) wrote :

The above bug was filed against Nautilus but it appears to be a Gnome only issue.

This is still an active bug. found it with my fresh install of Ubuntu Gnome.
I am using a Nvidia card with the 361 drivers so to eliminate the video card as an issue I installed a fresh copy in VirtualBox- no change.

Clicking on any menu item in the "hamburger menu" will cause the desktop to freeze, sometimes for up to 60 seconds.

I opened the System Monitor to see if it was hogging all the CPU or high memory- When using the menu, even the system monitor froze, when the desktop finally freed up, you could see in the history that on CPU would peg at 100% for a few seconds then would drop off as the next one maxed out.