Comment 0 for bug 1773350

Revision history for this message
Rahul Ghanate (rahuldg) wrote :

I faced this issue while using glipper that it cannot register any key-combinations(tried many).
I found this is happening with python 2.7 keybinder, and to test it out I took sample program for it as per

#!/usr/bin/env python
import gtk
import keybinder

def callback(user_data):
· print "Handling", user_data
· gtk.main_quit()

if __name__ == '__main__':
· keystr = "<Ctrl><Alt>c"
· keybinder.bind(keystr, callback, "Keystring %s (user data)" % keystr)
· print "Press", keystr, "to handle keybinding and quit"
· gtk.main()

But it gives error as,
> python /tmp/

** ( WARNING **: 16:50:45.250: Binding '<Ctrl><Alt>c' failed!

And it does not register the keycombination.

But the same code works fine in budgie-desktop and registers the key combinations fine. Must be only gnome-flashback issue.