Comment 56 for bug 1218322

Revision history for this message
Baekkevold (baekkevold) wrote :

I'll add my experience.
Starting point: setting keyboard shortcuts did nothing, pressing alt+shift always reverted to what was already there
Messing with dconf did not help -> result: caused some weird key combos when trying to set the keyboard shortcuts. no key combos actually worked.
(note: did not remove the dconf settings before proceeding)
Added the ppa and upgraded -> same result, could input weird key combos, but none actually worked.
Removed the dconf (and rebooted): could now change keyboard shortcuts to some sensible keys, ie alt+shift L. This actually worked as well! Both the icon changes, and the layout is changed.

In short, upgrading with the new ppa fixed the problem, as long as the dconf was not messed with.

For the record; this is on a virtual box vm.