Comment 326 for bug 1218322

Revision history for this message
Sebastien Bacher (seb128) wrote :

Thanks Norbert for your testing work and your bug reports!

Some comments

> * default Super+Space and Shift+Super+Space does not work (bug 1245136) - the most important bug (it's default hotkey!!!).

That could be bug #1249208. It works here after running ibus-setup and changing the ibus key to something else

> * non-latin shortcuts are broken (see bug 1226962) - the most important bug (affects many multi-layout users),

That bug seems to list several issues. The gsd keybindings, e.g ctrl-alt-L ... did that ever worked?

I installed 13.04 which has the old stack and tried that:
- added a Russian keymap
- binded ctrl-alt-C to the calculator
- changed the active layout to russian
- hit ctrl-alt-c (or ctrl-alt-l)

That doesn't work ... it seems like that's not a new issue/not due to the 13.10 changes

Note that keybindings not working in e.g libreoffice is another issue and due to the GNOME implementation choices, they consider that libreoffice needs to be fixed, see the first comment on which explain that. Note sure if others applications hit the same issue (gtk does the correct thing so GTK software are fine, firefox and Qt application seem to not have the issue either)

> * shortcuts starting with Ctrl+Shift+ got broken if layout switchin set to Ctrl+Shift (bug 1246656) - the most important bug (affects many multi-layout users).

Right, that's a annoying one, the only way to fix it is to move the key grabbing in unity, we are working on that but it's technically non trivial and take some time

> * some shortcut combinations started with Win or Alt open a HUD - bug with the lowest importance.

That's not a new issue either