Comment 154 for bug 1218322

Revision history for this message
Norbert (nrbrtx) wrote :

1. I installed gnome-panel in fresh 13.10 and I can switch layouts with Super+Space and Shift+Super+Space.
What is interesting if I login (on boot) to Gnome Flashback session I can use Super+Space and Shift+Super+Space for layout switching.
If then I logout and login to Ubuntu (Unity) session I can switch layouts with Alt+Shift (scroll lock indicates layout, but indicator-keyboard in gnome panel is not change).
As far I can understand - Alt+Shift combination is created by installer and stored in /etc/default/keyboard (commented lines removed):

2. I also installed fresh Ubuntu GNOME 13.10 and I unable to set Ctrl+Shift or Alt+Shift for layout switching in it. Alt+Shift works only if it is defined in /etc/default/keyboard (by ubiquity). Super+Space and Shift+Super+Space works normally.

3. @Lockal
installing GNOME 3.10 from PPA is not a solution for this bug.
The solution is to fix it before release or drop indicator-keyboard away now as not-well-tested alpha stage application. Or, of course, use 12.04.3 LTS.

So there are configuration problems between indicator-keyboard, xkbswitch, ibus and so on.

And it seems that ubiquity is also related to this bug - it wrote Alt+Shift combination to /etc/config/keyboard , while on first login there is a small notification about Ibus and Super+Space for layout switching. See .