Comment 2 for bug 670660

Revision history for this message
Paul Sladen (sladen) wrote :

I don't think there's a worry about maintaining it; it is already on a Canonical machine, and the website is owned by the 'font-www' unix group on that machine (so anyone else who wants to be added to that group can gain access.

I am worried that somebody will just copy-and-paste yet-another unmaintainable copy of some CSS (cf. the amount of hassle it took to get the "font-family: UbuntuBeta,Ubuntu;" statements updated across a dozen websites) and anyone (DX, myself, or yourself) having to maintain that.

The branding is already fairly close to the main Ubuntu (as close as I could get using simply, plain CSS commands) and I would encourage ensuring that the cross-site CSS is modularised (I don't mind being a guinea pig to get that done).