Comment 262 for bug 1218322

Revision history for this message
Norbert (nrbrtx) wrote :

So for today we have:
* Super+Space and Shift+Super+Space does not work at all;
* Alt+Shift works in Unity and GNOME, but does not work in unity-greeter and gnome-screensaver,
* Ctrl+Shift works in Unity and GNOME, but does not work in unity-greeter and gnome-screensaver,
* Shift+Shift may be set only with packages from ppa:attente/1218322, works in Unity and GNOME, but does not work in unity-greeter and gnome-screensaver.

I reported many separate bug reports, which belong to keyboard layout switching. They need confirmation.
I hope that all of them will be fixed soon and we get Ubuntu 14.04 LTS most functional and usable as Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS now.