Comment 1 for bug 1386254

Revision history for this message
Arto Jalkanen (ajalkane) wrote :

I had a comment on the original merge request on this:

I'm not sure if this is the best course of action. The problem with the header is that it is icon only. An icon in the header depicting "lock" doesn't really tell user much. I'm afraid that many a users are just puzzled and wondering "where are my files".

So for that reason I'd propose keeping the "Unlock all files" button "in your face" as it is currently. I feel the logical place where user discovers the unlock button is where the files are residing and where he is looking puzzled wondering where's the missing files.

On phone this does not need to be a problem as the action does not fit into header, but will be in additional actions which have explaining text. But I'd imagine for example on tablet where there is more space in the header, the actions might fit into the header as icons and there is no explanation text for unlocking.

But it's an easy change if you still feel this is the best course to take. You're probably right that it may be relatively seldom used feature.