Comment 0 for bug 2070154

Revision history for this message
Jade (lenochj) wrote :

I tried to install Ubuntu on a partition but failed. Ubuntu tries to copy an EFI into my Hackintosh partition, which is encrypted by MacOS, so I cannot install Ubuntu.
I don't even care of the EFI partition since already use rEFInd, why does Ubuntu needs to override the MacOS EFI partition instead of creating a new one?

Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: Running command ['umount', '/target/run'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: Running command ['umount', '/target/proc'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: Running command ['mount', '--make-private', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: Running command ['umount', '/target/dev'] with allowed return codes [0] (capture=False)
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/install-grub: FAIL: installing grub to target devices
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks/configuring-bootloader: FAIL: configuring target system bootloader
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: finish: cmd-install/stage-curthooks/builtin/cmd-curthooks: FAIL: curtin command curthooks
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/205/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 202, in main
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: ret = args.func(args)
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/205/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 2224, in curthooks
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: builtin_curthooks(cfg, target, state)
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/205/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 2179, in builtin_curthooks
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: setup_grub(cfg, target, osfamily=osfamily,
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/205/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 842, in setup_grub
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: install_grub(instdevs, target, uefi=uefi_bootable, grubcfg=grubcfg)
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/205/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/commands/", line 451, in install_grub
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: in_chroot.subp(cmd, env=env, capture=True)
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/205/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 843, in subp
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: return subp(*args, **kwargs)
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/205/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 323, in subp
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: return _subp(*args, **kwargs)
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_event.6196[6196]: executing curtin install curthooks step
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: File "/snap/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/205/lib/python3.10/site-packages/curtin/", line 172, in _subp
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: raise ProcessExecutionError(stdout=out, stderr=err,
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: curtin.util.ProcessExecutionError: Unexpected error while running command.
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: Command: ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', '/usr/lib/grub/grub-multi-install']
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: Exit code: 1
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: Reason: -
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: Stdout: ''
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: Stderr: Installing grub to /boot/efi.
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: Installing for x86_64-efi platform.
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: grub-install: error: cannot copy `/usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi-signed/grubx64.efi.signed' to `/boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi': No space left on device.
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]:
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: Unexpected error while running command.
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: Command: ['unshare', '--fork', '--pid', '--mount-proc=/target/proc', '--', 'chroot', '/target', '/usr/lib/grub/grub-multi-install']
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: Exit code: 1
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: Reason: -
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: Stdout: ''
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: Stderr: Installing grub to /boot/efi.
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: Installing for x86_64-efi platform.
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: grub-install: error: cannot copy `/usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi-signed/grubx64.efi.signed' to `/boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi': No space left on device.
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]:
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: {'current': '0004', 'timeout': '1 seconds', 'order': '0004,0003,0002,0001'}
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: {'current': '0004', 'timeout': '1 seconds', 'order': '0004,0003,0002,0001'}
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]:
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_log.6196[10519]: Stderr: ''
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_event.6196[6196]: installing system
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_event.6196[6196]:
Jun 24 00:33:21 ubuntu subiquity_event.6196[6196]: curtin command install