Comment 0 for bug 2069091

Revision history for this message
Mutahhir Khan (mutahhirkhan) wrote :

I tried to do a fresh installation from ubuntu 23 to 24
here is my autoinstall file for quick installation assistance.

    disable_components: []
    fallback: abort
    geoip: true
      - country-mirror
      - arches:
        - amd64
        - i386
      - arches:
        - s390x
        - arm64
        - armhf
        - powerpc
        - ppc64el
        - riscv64
    preserve_sources_list: false
    install: true
    install: true
    hostname: mutahhirkhan
    password: $6$0N1diFMViz5qkc27$nRv4wvulQk4XhQYVvOb7SViaEkj4jiKUBIOxlaG7Pou7b5iqg8f.r7yAu9xz0K7hl6MT7D9rKueb4GSraoT0w0
    realname: Mutahhir Khan
    username: mutahhirkhan
    package: linux-generic-hwe-22.04
    layout: us
    toggle: null
    variant: ''
  locale: en_US.UTF-8
    ethernets: {}
    version: 2
    wifis: {}
    id: ubuntu-desktop
    search_drivers: false
    allow-pw: true
    authorized-keys: []
    install-server: false
    - ptable: gpt
      serial: WDC_WDS240G2G0C-00AJM0_21254Q804162
      wwn: eui.e8238fa6bf530001001b448b41907f9f
      path: /dev/nvme0n1
      wipe: superblock-recursive
      preserve: false
      name: ''
      grub_device: false
      type: disk
      id: disk-nvme0n1
    - device: disk-nvme0n1
      size: 1127219200
      wipe: superblock
      flag: boot
      number: 1
      preserve: false
      grub_device: true
      offset: 1048576
      path: /dev/nvme0n1p1
      type: partition
      id: partition-0
    - fstype: fat32
      volume: partition-0
      preserve: false
      type: format
      id: format-1
    - device: disk-nvme0n1
      size: 2147483648
      wipe: superblock
      number: 2
      preserve: false
      offset: 1128267776
      path: /dev/nvme0n1p2
      type: partition
      id: partition-1
    - fstype: ext4
      volume: partition-1
      preserve: false
      type: format
      id: format-2
    - device: disk-nvme0n1
      size: 236779995136
      wipe: superblock
      number: 3
      preserve: false
      offset: 3275751424
      path: /dev/nvme0n1p3
      type: partition
      id: partition-2
    - name: ubuntu-vg
      - partition-2
      preserve: false
      type: lvm_volgroup
      id: lvm_volgroup-0
    - name: ubuntu-lv
      volgroup: lvm_volgroup-0
      size: 236776849408B
      wipe: superblock
      preserve: false
      path: /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv
      type: lvm_partition
      id: lvm_partition-0
    - fstype: ext4
      volume: lvm_partition-0
      preserve: false
      type: format
      id: format-3
    - path: /
      device: format-3
      type: mount
      id: mount-2
    - path: /boot
      device: format-2
      type: mount
      id: mount-1
    - path: /boot/efi
      device: format-1
      type: mount
      id: mount-0
  timezone: Asia/Karachi
  updates: security
  version: 1

I started the http server using `python3 -m http.server`
then paste the returned URL as <URL>/autoinstall
note that I started the server in the same directory where the autoinstall file is.