Comment 46 for bug 528910

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Marc Belanger (fluffology101) wrote :

It is unfortunate, but reality and good intentions are not necessarily compatible and one of the key concept to humanism is the ability to accept compromises. Isn't Ubuntu about humanistic values - more so than free software, which is but one of the components of these values? I'm happy to use free software, but when I save a "doc" or a "mp3" file, to share it, copy it, send it, etc. I do not feel like I am betraying these values, as I still feel that I do have the ultimate freedom: my ability to choose!

And to me, that's the most fundamental freedom: Choice.

Just as I am presently given the choice to install the Adobe Flash plugin in Firefox, the Nvidia driver for my video card or to use "xls" files in Open Office, I will be given the choice to use the music store or not; where is the difference?

Good intentions, humanism and free software values should not be imposed, nor should they be applied by forcing exclusion in the name of principles or beliefs - dogma is the ultimate humanism killer.

Choice, openness, acceptance and adaptability, Isn't it what Ubuntu is all about? Seen from this angle, it is most likely that a solution (or many!) will emerge in due time and the issues at hand will eventually all be addressed. Because, remember, we have the choice, as a community or individuals, to make it happen!