Comment 27 for bug 392986

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Andrew Gaydon (andrew-gandella) wrote :

Hi Paul & Randall,

I'd like to put in my 2 cents worth if I may.

I must agree with Randall, for Ubuntu to really take off it needs to be supported/Advocated at a truly 'Local' level IE. City/Town
We have been having this same issue in Australia, our now Un-official Australian LoCo, was/is ineffective because it just covered too much of a large area. Australia's land mass is that of the USA (nearly)!

Having a 'Country LoCo' is fine, if their 'Mandate' is to support and encourage 'Local LoCo's', otherwise they are restricted to 'on-line' meetings and not much else.

As it currently stands there is no 'encouragement' for truly 'Local LoCo's', or 'guidelines' for setting up structures so a 'Country LoCo' can create & support 'Local LoCo's'.

Then there is the argument that 'There isn't enough people, so creating a 'local LoCo' would be the death of the 'Country LoCo'.
IMO is a fallacy, the whole point is to increase participation!
A 'Country LoCo' should 'aspire' to create 'Local LoCo's' in their large geographical area, this can only increase participation not decrease it. (Some existing LoCo's do this successfully)

So a solution could be 'The creation of guidelines' that encourage 'Country LoCo's' to help in the creation and support of 'Local LoCo's'.

So yes, I come to the same conclusion as Paul.

I eagerly await the 'Guidelines'.
Let me know if I can be of assistance.
