Comment 74 for bug 392799

Revision history for this message
m4v (m4v) wrote :

> That's just one client, what about XChat/XChat-Gnome, Konversation,
> Quassel, irssi?

Would it help to setup a webchat client, like freenode's, but that presents channels in a more readable way, like filtering join/part messages, and probably give the user a chance to join a LoCo channel if he wished so?
I feel that a webchat is something that a newbie would be more familiar with than an IRC client.

of course, only a 0.6-1% of the people that join #ubuntu uses freenode's webchat, so the helpfulness of this is debatable, but that's probably due to being greatly discouraged (you get redirected to other channel, have to wait, etc)