Comment 1 for bug 1366586

Revision history for this message
Victor Thompson (vthompson) wrote : Re: Music app stopps playing when taking a photo

Media-hub, the service that handles audio used in the system, recently added the capability to categorize the type of audio being played. If all the following are true the existing audio stream is paused:

1. New audio stream is of the type "multimedia" (note this is the default category)
2. Existing audio stream is playing
3. Existing audio stream is also of the type "multimedia"

I imagine there are many apps that have small sound effects that shouldn't be categorized as "multimedia". With the way media-hub works now any app that uses an alert or small sound effect would need to have the sound recategorized. Would it make more sense for the default to be "alert" or something similar and then just have apps like the Music app specify that they are of type "multimedia"? That would make this categorization easier on other apps, but would require a fix to the music app and media-hub.