Comment 0 for bug 1209403

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Nekhelesh Ramananthan (nik90) wrote : Clock tab header collides with pagestack header

As of a recent SDK update (do not know the exact rev no), the clock tab header is visible even while viewing the page header. The tab header (Clock) is visible even while viewing a page (World Clock) which is pushed into a pagestack. This can be seen more clearly in the screenshot attached below. The structure of the clock app is as follows,

Mainview {
  PageStack {
       id: pagestack
       Component.onCompleted: push(roottabs)
       Tabs {
            id: roottabs
            Tab {
                 page: ClockPage {
           Tab {
                page: AlarmPage {

This is the same format shown in the SDK API examples. That said I have not been able to reproduce the issue with the SDK examples however. Despite that, I believe that the problem lies in the sdk instead since the overall structure of the clock app is the same as the examples.