Comment 0 for bug 1199838

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Colin Ian King (colin-king) wrote : clock app: stopwatch tens of a second are not at regular intervals

Today's image on a Samsung Galaxy Nexus (which isn't the most snappiest fast device).

I started the stop watch and it is really painful to watch the 1/10ths of a second erratically count in steps that show that we have some non-realtime counting occurring. I took a 30 frames per second video (see attached) and broke it into individual frames using:

ffmpeg -i DSCF3397.AVI -f image2 image-%3d.jpeg

and observed the following stop watch time and number of frames each time was displayed:

Time Frames
0.26.1 4
0.26.3 3
0.26.4 5
0.26.6 7
0.26.8 4
0.26.9 2
0.27.0 5
0.27.1 5
0.27.3 3
0.27.4 1
0.27.5 2
0.27.6 3
0.27.7 5
0.27.8 6
0.28.0 5
0.28.2 5
0.28.4 5
0.28.6 2
0.28.7 3
0.28.8 3
0.28.9 3

At 30 frames per second we should see each 1/10th of a second change every 3 frames or so. Note that some times (0.26.6) are rendered for 7 frames (~0.233 seconds) and some timings (0.26.2, 0.26.5, 0.26.7) are not being rendered at all. The accuracy of the stopwatch is only about to ~0.25 seconds which is a bit poor.

Also, I find it visually disturbing that I don't see the 1/10th of a second count steadily, especially jarring when one sees a value on screen for ~0.233 seconds. That's easily jarring on the eye.