Comment 1 for bug 1285675

Revision history for this message
Vincent Ladeuil (vila) wrote :

From './run-tests -h':

usage: uci-run-tests [-h][--exclude EXCLUDE] [--list]
                     [--format {text,subunit}]
                     [INCLUDE [INCLUDE ...]]

Load and run tests.

positional arguments:
  INCLUDE All tests matching the INCLUDE regexp will be run. Can
                        be repeated.

'./run-tests cli' runs all the tests with an id that matches the regexp 'cli'.

The following tests, for example, have ids that don't match 'cli':
tests.test_utils.UtilsTestCase.test_load_config ... OK (0.023 secs)
tests.test_utils.UtilsTestCase.test_parse_id ... OK (0.000 secs)
tests.test_utils.UtilsTestCase.test_parse_id_invalid_response ... OK (0.000 secs)
tests.test_utils.UtilsTestCase.test_parse_id_not_int ... OK (0.000 secs)

If you want to run them, you need to select them by providing the relevant regexp.

The 'cli' component use a different layout than the other components which produces test ids that don't mention the component (you can explore the test suite name space with --list to refine your regexps). The 'tests' module is imported from './cli/tests/' so their ids don't mention 'cli'. Arguably we should fix the 'cli' layout, but in the mean time, you can use that different layout at your advantage and run those tests with:

$ ./run-tests ^tests --list | wc -l

That's for revno 297.

This seems to match what you pasted but I don't know which revno you were using.

In general, when searching for the right regexp(s) to use, using '--list' provides a fast way to test the regexps without running the tests themselves. That is:

$ ./run-tests <regexp1> <regexp2> --list | wc -l

iterated with finer regexps until you've narrowed the test suite you're interested in.