Comment 2 for bug 1812453

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Chris Wayne (cwayne) wrote :

Hi Ed,

First of all I'd like to profusely apologize for all of this! If you can help answer some questions I should be able to get a better idea of what exactly's going on. Can you please let me know:

1) Which version of stock Ubuntu were you trying to install? If it's 16.04, I'd be curious to see if 18.04 would work (lots of times with pre-installed images like this, the fixes/tweaks required by the hardware are pushed upstream in later versions).
2) What is the exact error/issue you're seeing when trying to install stock ubuntu? i.e. does the install work but the system fails to boot?
3) Is the configuration you're trying the same as listed in the certification link? i.e. is it the same nvidia card listed there?

Again, I'm really sorry you've gone through this.
