Comment 1 for bug 1222846

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Kunal Parmar (pkunal-parmar) wrote :

I was debugging the issue, There seems two issue
1) Vertical scrolling is slow
2) Horizontal scrolling is not smooth, it's movement stops for sometime and then continue

For 1), it seems problem with Flickable element, vertical scrolling supported but it is tool slow and there is no acceleration and deceleration support, which make it seems slow. If you drag view manually rather then flicking, it scrolls just fine.

Same problem can be seen with WeekView and DayView when you scroll TimeLine, there is no acceleration. For YearView it's just more visible.

For 2), When we scroll horizontal, year changes, we do calculation to display dates for next year or previous year. As this are done in Main GUI thread. It hangs the GUI thread for sometime and then continue.

This does not affect the MonthView (Which uses same logic), so I guess reducing the number of month displayed in one view will help. But we need to confirmation from Design team if they are fine with it.