Comment 1 for bug 1193090

Revision history for this message
Riccardo Padovani (rpadovani) wrote :

Looking at code (I'm not involved in the development of the app) there is no minute field: right field is for the end hour.
So, if you insert a new event with 22 and 17 you create an event that start at 10pm and finish at 5pm (see attachment).

So we have 3 bugs:
a - design bug: it's not simply to understand that right field is for end hour
b - logical bug: it's impossible that an event finish before its start.
c - implementation bug: we need a method to set minutes

c is very simply, just to modify [1] and [2] from Qt.formatDateTime(defaultDate,"hh") to Qt.formatDateTime(defaultDate,"hh:mm") but before making a patch rather wait a developer to know the causes of the choices

