Comment 1 for bug 1191543

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Todd O'Bryan (toddobryan-gmail) wrote :

More information. I think the Wait command at the end of the Shell command on this line

      Shell "x-terminal-emulator -e " & SCRIPT &/ "/Extract" Wait ' Start extraction and show the main window when finish

is not actually waiting until the command finishes. (Sorry I couldn't figure out how to display line numbers.)

If I comment out the line that deletes the ISOFILE file, or add a Wait 5.0 before it, everything works as expected, so I think what's happening is that the ISOFILE is getting deleted before the Extract script has a chance to read it.

I have no idea why Wait at the end of the Shell command isn't waiting, but I *think* that's what's going on.

The good news is that I can work around the problem using either of the two solutions I mentioned above. I'm going to go ahead and see if I can create the ISO.

Wish me luck!